Professor Colony, Garhpar, Biharsarif-1, Nalanda, Bihar, India, 803101
Question : 15 Duration : 6 Minutes

1. An Excel is ---------------- program
A: Spreadsheet
B: Document
C: Presentation
D: Spreadsheet
Answer: A

2. Which of the following format you can decide or not in Auto format dialog box
A: Number format
B: Border format
C: Font format
D: Number format
Answer: D

3. What is the maximum number of rows in excel 2007 worksheet
A: 1028176
B: 1048576
C: 1045876
D: 1028176
Answer: B

4. ____ appear at the bottom of the Excel window.
A: Title bar
B: Formula bar
C: Work sheet tabs
D: Title bar
Answer: C

5. What are the basic rectangular building blocks of a spreadsheet?
A: Cells
B: Zoom slider
C: Help button
D: Cells
Answer: A

6. Another name for a pre-programmed formula in Excel is
A: Cell
B: Graph
C: Function
D: Cell
Answer: C

7. ____ is a powerful tool used to create and format spreadsheets.
A: Adobe Photoshop CS
B: Mozilla Firefox
C: Microsoft Office PowerPoint
D: Adobe Photoshop CS
Answer: D

8. Workbook is a collection of
A: Worksheets
B: Page set-up
C: Buttons
D: Worksheets
Answer: A

9. The result of a formula in a cell is the
A: Displayed value
B: Range
C: Value
D: Displayed value
Answer: C

10. ___ is the intersection of a row with a column.
A: Cell
B: Rows
C: Columns
D: Cell
Answer: A

11. To select the entire column, press
A: Tab + C
B: Tab + E
C: Alt + Space
D: Tab + C
Answer: D

12. In A3 cell edit = A1 + A2 refers to
A: Addition of A1 and A3 will display in A2
B: Addition of A1 and A2 will display in A3
C: Addition of A1 and A2 will not display in A3
D: Addition of A1 and A3 will display in A2
Answer: B

13. When you enter text in a cell in Excel. It also appears in the
A: Status bar
B: Formula bar
C: Row heading
D: Status bar
Answer: B

14. How many rows are there in old version of MS Excel?
A: 65536
B: 65538
C: 65534
D: 65536
Answer: A

15. ____ was the first spreadsheet on a microcomputer.
A: VisiCalc
B: Excel
C: Lotus 1-2-3
D: VisiCalc
Answer: A